In Marketplace

Marketplace Applications

If you are interested in applying to the Northern California Renaissance Faire as a craftsperson or caterer, please contact for more information.

Guest Artist Applications

If you are interested in applying for a Guest Artist booth at the Northern California Renaissance Faire, please fill out the application below.

Click here to download the application.

When, Where and How to Apply

For those seeking part time work or a fun volunteer position, the faire has many opportunities within the variety of vendors that sell their wares in our Marketplace. Whether it’s a gaming booth such as Archery or Axe Throw, or a food booth selling turkey legs or ice cream or an artisan booth selling their hand crafted jewelry, clothing, or leather goods to name just a few, our vendors are always looking for good help. Marketplace is the foundation of the faire and the business of selling these wares is a major part of our festive and entertaining atmosphere. All the world is a stage at faire so Marketplace workers participate in the recreation of an Elizabethan Market faire with their costuming and language and customer interaction, just like the actors.

Interested applicants should come to the faire site weekend days starting August 26th, 2023. Applicants may speak with a variety of booth owners to find a suitable placement. The terms of paid employment or volunteer work vary with each booth owner. There are many different options that can be negotiated for participation. All workers must adhere to the general Rules of Play and costume guidelines provided by Play Faire management during workshops. These rules and guidelines are enforced throughout the run of faire and are considered a condition of employment or volunteer status.

The Rules of Play Workshop should be attended by all new marketplace workers and will explain the costume guidelines and general information. Depending upon the booth, the owner may request or require applicants to attend other available workshops. The workshops are free, casual and roughly one hour long.

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