
Accommodations at Casa de Fruta

Casa de Fruta has a campground, RV Park, and hotel next to the Faire site. Reservations can be made on the Casa de Fruta website, by calling (408) 842-9316 or emailing Space fills up quickly, it is best to make reservations early.



Nearby Hotels

The Northern California Renaissance Faire is affiliated with local hotels that provide accommodations for Faire visitors at discounted rates.

Hilton Garden Inn
6070 Monterey Road
Gilroy, CA 95020
Reservations: 408-840-7000

Best Western Forest Park Inn
375 Leavesley Road
Gilroy, CA 95020
Reservations: 408-848-5144

Ridgemark Golf & Country Club
3800 Airline Highway
Hollister, CA 95023
Reservations: 831-637-8151


Nearby Campground

San Luis Reservoir State Park
31426 Gonzaga Road
Gustine, CA 95322
Park Office: 209-826-1197
Park Information
Online Reservations


Additional Accommodations

If you are interested in finding other hotels or campgrounds, please visit:

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